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Revision as of 18:48, 18 July 2024 by Sockpuppet (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Cancer. AIDS. Ebola. Niggers'''. Welcome to <s>Africa</s> '''iFUNNY'''. At the bloodied, semen-stained fartleberry of the internet, lies a website coloquically known as iFunny, hosting the biggest collection of gay and necrophiliac porn to date. It's debauched degeneracy rivals even that of 4chan's /b/, which is a feat in and out of itself. Alike to a cancroid, iFunny takes over each and every part of the internet with it's unfunny shock content that can only phase a...")
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Cancer. AIDS. Ebola. Niggers. Welcome to Africa iFUNNY.

At the bloodied, semen-stained fartleberry of the internet, lies a website coloquically known as iFunny, hosting the biggest collection of gay and necrophiliac porn to date. It's debauched degeneracy rivals even that of 4chan's /b/, which is a feat in and out of itself. Alike to a cancroid, iFunny takes over each and every part of the internet with it's unfunny shock content that can only phase a 93-year old woman or a 6 year old child. As if it's cancerous growth wasn't bad enough, iFunny also consumes and transmutates every funny meme on it's path, shitting it out over and over and over again until it becomes completely unrecognizable to it's original self.

It's like looking right into the chocolate eye of Hell's anus

That gay porn your friend sent you on Discord? That video of a nigger taking a 2 foot long dildo up his ass your classmate showed you IRL? Those russian kids on Steam with PFPs of (gay) porn actors? All from iFunny, under the command of David Chef himself, who takes breaks from grooming children on throne of shit in the heart of Djibouti to troll American high-schools so he can drink the sweet and salty menstrual blood of blonde, blue-eyed teenage girls.

Also, iFunny is responsible for each and every raid we commence, even if it is not.