Feralteen on the wheels

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Revision as of 08:59, 18 July 2024 by Feralteen2 (talk | contribs) (somewhat more accurate page)
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feralteen is an actual homo and vocaloid cover maker who avatarfags on the shemmy. he used to be a sharty user back in 2022, stopped using it cuz he got banned by froot, and then went to the shemmy when it was made or whatever. hes autistic, epileptic and worst of all a MOUTHBREATHER. he was also former staff, before he got fired for revealin he was mod or whatever (can someone who isnt a glorified dementia patient check if this the reason i was fired? i know that i did it but is it the reason o algo remove this text if youve snoped fact check it ok thank you)